MPIC (Multi-Physics for IronCAD) is the newest generation of integrated CAD/FEA for general entry level to advanced design simulations. It is developed and designed specifically for CAD design simulation by AMPS Technologies Company and available for the IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite 2015 release version (only).
MPIC focuses on ease of use for CAD users and provides fully coupled multiphysics with stress, thermal, and electrostatic which includes the following analysis types:
- Static/Steady State
- Dynamic/Transient Response
- Modal/Vibration Modes
- Instability Buckling
- Frequency Domain
As part of the IronCAD Gold Partner Program, MPIC is included with full product capabilities with the standard IRONCAD solution for 30-days then extends as a node-limited version allowing you the ability to experiment with your designs. Even though the extended version is node-limited, MPIC's technology using SefeaTM (Strain-Enriched Finite Element Analysis) gives you extended capabilities to test you products at a lower mesh level. SefeaTM is the newest enriched finite element formulation developed specifically for low-order 4-node tetrahedron elements commonly used in CAD simulation. It achieves the same accuracy as 2nd-order elements, but is more robust, without mid-side-node noise, and requires much less computing cost.
Seamlessly integrated, simply add a multiphysics analysis to your IRONCAD model. Add material, forces, constraints, and hit the AutoSolve to quickly mesh and return your analysis results. Make modifications on the IRONCAD model and associativity will allow you to simply update and re-solve your analysis in seconds.
Beyond the included version, options to purchase full accuracy levels, advance versions, and add-on functionality are available.
- MPIC Basic includes full mesh quality accuracy with static/steady state and modal that includes contact support for product assembly analysis.
- MPIC Advance provides additional large deformation and large rotation abilities, as well as advanced nonlinear modeling ability of nonlinear elastic, plastic, hyperelastic/foam materials with fully runtime coupled nonlinear material dependency.
- MPIC Advanced Dynamic Add-on adds advanced Stress Stiffened Modal analysis, Arc-Length Nonlinear Buckling, Frequency Domain analysis, and Fatigue analysis for advanced analysis options.
About Amps Technologies
AMPS (Advanced Multi-Physics Simulation) Technologies Company is established in 2003 with goals to provide the new generation FEA to deliver advanced office-tool style finite element software based on best software engineering design and the most up-to-date FE technology.
AMPS Technologies has pioneered the Sefeatm (Strain-Enriched FEA) formulation and LSFEA (least-Squares FEA) technology in commercial application with leading academic and national laboratory researchers, and has expanded the technology to stress, thermal, fluid and electromagnetic using a consistent framework. As such, AMPS is the only product on the market with the accuracy, reliability, and true multiphysics abilities in the CAD-centric analysis when the automatic generated low order tetra elements are the favorite options.
AMPS Technologies has been shipping AMPS to customers such as Canon, Casio, Hitachi, IBM, Mitsubishi, Olympus, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba, Bridgestone-Firestone, and many prestigious universities for multi-physics simulation. These elite customers have helped drive AMPS product development even further.
AMPS Technologies has been elected as one of the Emerging Technology Companies in Daratech SUMMIT 2006, and has been selected to participate in DOE Advanced Vehicle System researches. We are committed to continual research, improvement and quality customer support. We pride in delivering the most convenient CAD-centric FEA tools, and constantly push the most advanced computational theories to new limits for our customers.