Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Leverage Your Engineering Data - Sales, Publication and Marketing

As Engineers and designers you may not be interested in renderings and/or animations or even sales and marketing. But we are all interested in the success of our companies. Many of you are like me and run a small company and may do your own presentations and marketing. If you are in a larger company please forward this link to any person that would be interested in easy access to your engineering data. I am sure they would love  the ability to use these features.

INOVATE can easily create wonderful renderings or animations to use in your existing documentation presentation package (or packages like Microsoft Word or Windows Live Mail (which I am using here) to create great brochures, newsletters, good looking emails or social media. You can easily directly create 2D or 3D PDF’s to really show off your products. IRONCAD CONNECTIONS adds an incredible documentation format that offers a space to create great technical sales quotes or presentations.

We will be having a short webinar showing how easy it is to utilize the data. We will show some animations and other renderings. Truly, it really is very easy to use.


Your sales person can generate great proposals and quotes. No, you don’t need an engineer or be an engineer to do this. With just a couple of hours of instruction you will be an expert. This is truly CAD for the non-CAD person.

You have the option to work with fully colored renderings or more technical wireframe.


Or you can create one button realistic renderings.

You can use the documentation format in IRONCAD CONNECTIONS to create more technical documents.

You create them vertical.

Or Horizontal. Doing this requires no more than a couple of hours of training.
Marketing and Publications
Your graphics, marketing or publication person or department can have direct access to your parts and assemblies. The assemblies come into one file. It is an easy to use the graphic tools to create great Realistic Renderings and Animations for your website, newsletters, brochures, presentations, etc. You can create any graphic format, even 2D & 3D PDF’s. There is no reason to bother busy designers or engineers to generate graphics from your existing complex CAD system.
Images – Yes you can create any level of realistic rendering.


Most of the time a one button Realistic Rendering is more than adequate, but it takes a bit more to do the above renderings. Like all sophisticated Realistic rendering programs it is basically a profession. There is a learning curve plus you should be very familiar with the package.
While a simple Animation is relatively easy, complex animations like realistic rendering, require a good working knowledge and familiarity with the process.
INOVATE was designed as a graphics package and is very sophisticated. The beauty is that these capabilities are integrated into the package.
Again feel free to down load INOVATE/IRONCAD and play with it. You can virtually read any data from any system and start working with your existing products.